
How to copy a file from one folder to other folder in NAS(sftp) location

  • 21 June 2022
  • 1 reply

I’m trying to copy a file which is in one folder to another folder in the NAS location . I tried using shell script executor but I see the below error . Might be issue with my shell script .


Need help for any alternate approach or a shell script which executes successfully to copy the file from one folder to another in the NAS location.

1 reply

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  1. It seems from the screenshot, there are permission issues while copying file or issues finding a source or target path.
  2. Were you able to run the shell script code as a standalone shell script successfully to copy the file? You might want to first try run the standalone shell script as user same as data collector process owner(usually ‘sdc’) and see if it works. 
