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Hi Team


I need to read 2 whole files from directory.

abc.json and abc.csv at a time.


I gave abc.* in filename pattern but no luck.

Can someone help me please..


Or can you suggest an alternative using groovy.






@Priyanka Mynepally 

Can you please try to keep it in s3 bucket and create a folder in it and put .json and .csv files in it.

While fetching data from it , just mention * in s3 as whole file , if you run the pipeline it will read 2 files .

Kindly let me know if it helps.

Thanks & Regards


@Priyanka Mynepally

Can you please try to keep it in s3 bucket and create a folder in it and put .json and .csv files in it.

While fetching data from it , just mention * in s3 as whole file , if you run the pipeline it will read 2 files .

Kindly let me know if it helps.

Thanks & Regards


Please help me with POST call using HTTP processor as well to upload atleast one file.

{POSTED this question already 3 days back}
