@JasonM thanks for the update. glad to know that you managed to get it working :-)
Thanks @saleempothiwala, combining a few of your responses has allowed me to find the issue, the call is expecting a second equals sign and only works with the %3E encoding for the ‘greater than’ sign, this is the working call:
@JasonM have you checked on Postman if any URL encoding header is being passed. Try to add the same headers in StreamSets too
/runs?created[gt] = 2022-08-01 → doesn’t like spaces (javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilderException: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in query)
/runs?createdrgt]=2022-08-01 → 0 records returned (no spaces)
/runs?createdngt]+=+2022-08-01 → 0 records returned (‘+’ to replace illegal spaces)
it should be . kindly try this option.
/runs?createddgt] = 2022-08-01
Thanks for your suggestions, unfortunately none of them are working. Here are the results, there are total number of 150 records dating back 12 months but if the date filter was working, then the result should only be 14 records (confirmed via Postman).
HTTP Client Tests:
/runs → 150 records
/runs?created=>2022-08-01 → illegal character in query (returns 14 in Postman)
/runs?created=ngt]2022-08-01 → 0 records
/runs?created:>gt]2022-08-01 → 150 records
/runs?created=>2022-08-01 → 150 records
/runs?created=>2022-08-01 → 150 records
/runs?created=%3E2022-08-01 → 150 records
It looks like the response defaults to the entire dataset if the parameter is invalid. I can’t explain the zero record response though. I have a feeling that the URL isn’t being wrapped or encoded as expected by StreamSets.
@JasonM try as @Bikram suggested and also try to replace ‘>’ with ‘>’ or %3E of all fails :-)