
Email notifications for alerts are not working

  • 21 December 2022
  • 3 replies


I have a pipeline that reads a log file and sends alerts when CRITICAL category message is seen.

The alert works fine, I get notification on Control Hub UI, I am also getting Webhook notifications.

But the email notification does not seem to work.

Settings done in the Rules section for email: In the Data Rule - Send Email = true, In the notifications tab a valid email id is given.

Is there any other setting that overrides this? Did not see any user level preference setting option for this. 





Best answer by Bikram 29 December 2022, 02:35

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Userlevel 5
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please make sure the smtp configuration has been done in SDC properties file.


To enable sending email, in the Data Collector configuration properties, configure the mail.transport.protocol property, and then configure the smtp/smtps properties and the xmail properties.

Thanks, will try this. I was testing this on strigo lab and assumed the sender config is already done for the engine. 

Userlevel 5
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can you please check if the configuration has been done correctly or not for sending mail alerts.
