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Hello,I opened my account in cloud.login.streamsets.com with my IBM id (email@ibm.com) and I am performing this course https://academy.streamsets.com/learn/courses/6/streamsets-platform-fundamentals. My account is not privileged enough to perform all the course lessons. For example I cannot schedule jobs. All the scheduling menus are not seen in my streamsets control hub account. I think this is because I do not have the "Scheduler Operator" role in my user roles:my account organization is “IBM StreamSets Hands On Lab”.I want to be able to complete all the tasks in the course, how can I make sure that my account is compatible with the course tasks?Thanks in advance,Aviv
I was trying to add a MongoDB Atlas connection and on clicking the test connection button, I am getting an error “[unauthorized] not authorized on local to execute command”. I tested the connection string and credentials in Mongo Compass and there it was working fine. So, I could not understand why the test connection is failing. After many tries, I just thought of saving the connection as it is and try it in the pipeline. Magically when used in the pipeline I was able to fetch the data from MongoDB. Then again when I tried the test connection and was getting the same error.
I build a pipeline using Oracle CDC client, it is a very simple pipeline , have attached my exported pipeline. I currently using sysdba access configured in Streamsets and using this account I ran below in DBeaver can get records from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS, please refer to attached screenshot "DBeaver_logmnr_screeashot.png"", however the streamsets cdc pipeline keeps running without any input and output, I also attached the sdc.log from server.from the log I can see the pipeline has gotten the timestamp of the starting SCN operation , however it cannot get records from LOGMNR and then insert into destination.
Libro 50 Cápsulas de Amor Propio PDF Gratis, 50 Cápsulas de Amor Propio PDF Gratis, 50 Cápsulas de Amor Propio PDF Descargar Gratis. Descubre el Libro 50 Cápsulas de Amor Propio PDF.. ➤➤➤➤ DESCARGAR 50 CAPSULAS DE AMOR PROPIO PDF GRATIS CLIC AQUI .El libro ’50 Cápsulas de Amor Propio’ ofrece una guía integral para redescubrir el sentido de la vida. Al embarcarnos en este viaje de autodescubrimiento, es fundamental reconocer la importancia de encontrar un propósito y una pasión que nos impulsen a seguir adelante. El amor propio juega un rol crucial en este proceso, ya que nos permite entender nuestras necesidades y deseos más profundos, y así orientar nuestras acciones hacia una vida más significativa.Encontrar propósito no es una tarea sencilla, pero ’50 Cápsulas de Amor Propio’ nos proporciona herramientas y reflexiones para identificar nuestras pasiones y metas. El libro nos ayuda a conectarnos con nuestro yo interior y a escuchar nuestra intuición. Este autoconocimiento es esencial
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Libro Seducción Remasterizada: La obra maestra respaldada por expertos en seducción, persuasión y psicología aplicada.. ➤➤➤➤ SEDUCCION REMASTERIZADA PDF GRATIS CLIC AQUI .Si estás buscando mejorar tus habilidades sociales y dominar el arte de la seducción, el libro «Seducción Remasterizada» es tu mejor opción. «Seducción Remasterizada» ha sido creado por expertos en el campo de la seducción, la persuasión y la psicología aplicada, y te brindará todas las herramientas necesarias para seducir mujeres de manera efectiva.Aprende cómo desarrollar tu carisma y ser más atractivo ante las mujeres.Descubre cómo seducir a cualquier mujer sin importar tu apariencia física o tu situación económica.Y mucho mas…. ➤➤➤➤ SEDUCCION REMASTERIZADA PDF + BONOS GRATIS CLIC AQUI .
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Hi, I have done full from AWS athena to RDS Postgresql.Now, i want to do incremental loading using timestamp from table and i’m jdbc query consumaer as origin and jdbc query(executor) as destination as of now and want to merge records at jdbc query side. but, i’m getting validation error from origin ( JDBC_34 - Query failed to execute: 'SELECT * FROM t_target_an.hierarchy WHERE date > TO_TIMESTAMP('0', '2024-09-11 00:00:00') ORDER BY date;' Error: SQLState: HY000 Error Code: 100071 Message: [Simba][AthenaJDBC](100071) An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT: Failed to tokenize string [2] at offset [0]) and also please help me with merge query which i have to use at jdbc query.
Hi,We are a team of developers. As part of a project we want to use Streamsets Data Collector as a USB between our application and several other third-party applications for Electronic Data Interchanges (EDIs). Therefore, we want to train on this platform in person in France or Morocco. Does anyone know of a training center in these 2 countries?
I am using streamsets data collector community edition 3.19.1 and i would like to upgrade only log4j & sping libraries. Can anyone help me with approach.? Also, Would like to understand underlying use cases of these 2 libraries in streamsets.
Hello,We have an issue with cert, error with amazon s3, trying to replace a new certificate in the truststory.jks file does not help, streamsets was restarted from the Cloudera level. Streamsets Collector 3.10.1.
गलत रिचार्ज के लिए फ़ोनपे से पैसे वापस करने के लिए, आपको तुरंत फ़ोनपे के ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करना चाहिए: 09279-999-650 और (24/7 उपलब्ध) समस्या की रिपोर्ट करें।
Disappointed to get an error when writing strings with new line characters, read from an Azure SQL origin, when written back to an Azure Synapse SQL destination.Have specified, in the New Line Replacement Character, string of “\n” to get the data through, but the string is distorted, and potentially confused if the source string already contains whatever I choose as a replacement. So...has anyone found a better strategy for dealing with this issue? Is an enhancement planned to passed these characters through unchanged, transparently?
https://archives.streamsets.com/datacollector/5.7.0/tarball/streamsets-datacollector-all-5.7.0.tgz 해당 URL을 통해 스트림셋 5.7.0 버전을 다운받았는데무료버전으로 사용가능한지 문의드립니다
Hello,I have developed a Python script based on the SDK version 6.4 documentation, but I got an error when I ran the script:“raise EnginelessError(streamsets.sdk.exceptions.EnginelessError: The SDK does not support publishing engineless pipelines. Please visit the UI to get instructions on how to install a deployment and engine, to proceed further.”. It’s odd becausethe deployment and engine have already been set up. The engine’s information has been included in the script. I’m not sure why I’m getting this error. # Import the ControlHub class from the SDK.from streamsets.sdk import ControlHubfrom streamsets.sdk import DataCollectorfrom datetime import datetime# Connect to the Control Hub instance you want to interact with.sch = ControlHub(credential_id='example123', token='example123')print("connected")# Get the engine informationsdc = sch.data_collectors.get(engine_url='https://example.org:12345')id = sdc.idprint(f"Found the Data Collector with ID: {sdc.id}")# Build the pipelinepipe
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