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Can someone provide working code of groovy to read files from s3 bucket?
Is the Elasticsearch 8.x stage library officially supported in StreamSets 3.22.3? If not, is there a workaround or manual method to install and use Elasticsearch 8.x with this version of StreamSets? Should I consider upgrading to a newer version of StreamSets, or is there another solution?I appreciate any guidance or insights from the community. Thank you!
Use the start and stop events. These events allow you to execute queries outside of a regular data flow and are not for processing records. On the event type (either start or stop), choose "JDBC Query". An extra tab will appear in the properties pane that allows you to define the query, the connection properties and driver (if necessary). If you need to execute more than two queries, you can add a Dev Data Generator origin, check the "Produce Events" checkbox, and add a JDBC Executor off of the event flow of the origin.
Hi, I am currently developing a pipeline with Start and Stop Events using JDBC query. We are trying to make it more dynamic by having the connections parameterized, however, Start and Stop Events configuration won’t allow to use a parameterized connection. Even if I click the “Use parameter” button, it does not work. Can anyone please help me on this?
I have a use case to read a JSON file from ADLS location and write the entire content of the JSON file to a VARIANT field in Snowflake. I have used ADLS origin stage , Jython Processor and Snowflake Destination Stage. In the ADLS stage, I have the data format as “WholeFile” to get /fileRef.I used the Jython processor to read /FileRef and convert it as String before loading this field to Snowflake.I am getting error in Jython Processor Stage Script sent record to error: 'com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.util.scripting.Scrip' object has no attribute 'createInputStreamfileRef : FILE_REF[object Object]How do I read entire JSON file and load the contents to a VARIANT field in SnowflakeSample JSON:{ "MbrDetails" : { "id" : "100001", "ProgramName" : "test"},"NotificationInformation" : { "ProgramStatusDate" : "2024-11-13", "Category" : "Pilot Program, "DateTime" : "2024-11-13", "ProgramStatus" : "Eligible"} } Expected Outcome in Snowflake Table:full_json file_name { "MbrDetails" : { "
I want to create a scheduler via the following API request: Creates a new Scheduled Task: PUT {SCH_URL}/scheduler/rest/v2/jobs/{pageId}I have 2 questions: 1) Do I use {pageId} = SchedulerJobListPage or SchedulerJobManagePage, and why?Secondly, I’m passing a request body as per the body suggested on the RESTful API Scheduler page but I’m receiving the error: “ERROR : READ_ONLY_ENFORCER_000 - Page ‘com.streamsets.apps.scheduler.rest.SchedulerJobManagePage’ readOnly values have been modified. 2) Is this error due to the readOnlySignature i have generated or with one of the attributes in the request body?
How to read multipipe directory data from Hadoop using single pipeline?The below pipeline i have created but i am not sure how define the multiple directory values in the File tab Hadoop FS. Please help us .
Hello. I want to store data in OpenSearch internally, but I keep getting the following error. ELASTICSEARCH_17 - Could not index '1000' records: POST https://testpate.net/_bulk: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Action/metadata line [1] contains an unknown parameter [_type]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Action/metadata line [1] contains an unknown parameter [_type]"},"status":400}I tried configuring the pipeline with the latest version of StreamSets, but I'm still encountering the same issue. I've tested both version 7.9.0 and 8.1.0, and I used _doc for all mapping values. Does this mean I can't use OpenSearch?
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