Product: StreamSets Data Collector
While trying to execute an SDC pipeline that utilizes a Kafka origin, the following validation error occurs in the UI and prevents the pipeline from starting:
CONTAINER_0701 - Stage 'KafkaConsumer_01' initialization error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing or Empty SpecificAttributes 'DESCRIPTION'
-SDC pipeline utilizes a Kafka Consumer origin.
-The 'Consumer Group' configuration in the Kafka origin is set to a runtime resource file or runtime property.
This failure typically occurs when a Kafka origin's "Consumer Group" configuration is set to a value from a runtime resource file or runtime property that doesn't exist on the system where the SDC instance is running. As a result, the validation of the pipeline fails given that it cannot resolve the Consumer Group that the Kafka origin needs to use.
In order to resolve the issue, validate that the Consumer Group configuration is indeed correct and that it points to an existing resource file or existing runtime property.