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SCH Jobs fail with PKIX path validation.

StreamSets Employee


After updating the Cloudera Hadoop cluster certs SCH jobs started to fail with the below error

"JOBRUNNER_63 - Pipeline status: 'START_ERROR', message: 'JDBC_06 - Failed to initialize connection pool: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: [Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500164) Error initialized or created transport for authentication: PKIX path validation failed: Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors.'" 



Confirm if you are using SCH Cloud with SAML authentication enabled ?

 If you answered Yes to the above please follow the steps 

Action Plan :-

  • Users with Organization Administrator role should be still able to login with Control Hub credentials via
  • Please download the new certificate/metadata (based on what the IdP requires) from SCH and to deploy it in their IdP provider (steps in our documentation). This will be the old 8-year SAML certificate, so we will still need to ask the customer later to deploy the new certificate next week. 
  • This should help you to login and jobs should be able to run normally. 

If you answered No to the above question

Action Plan :-

  •  Install the latest certificate into the trustore that SDC connection used in the JDBC URL.
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