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Using Python datetime functions in Jython script processor leads to exception: "AttributeError: 'java.sql.Timestamp' object has no attribute 'timetuple'".

StreamSets Employee


In Jython script processor script body, using Python datetime function such as datetime.strptime() returns 'java.sql.timestamp' object instead of a datetime.datetime object.  Consequently, using a Python datetime method upon this object results in the following exception:

AttributeError: 'java.sql.Timestamp' object has no attribute 'timetuple'



The behavior is a result of this open JSR-223/Jython bug.  The JSR-223 script engine is used in SDC to do the Jython code execution.



As a workaround, you can use different Python functions to accomplish this same, use Java API methods (some are accessible as part of the script engine Java interop), or use a different script processor.

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