Hi, when trying to run a pipeline with the “Start Job” origin the pipeline fails and the log shows:
com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.ControlHubApiError: Control Hub security token expired or invalid: {"ISSUES":E{"code":"SSO_01","message":"User not authenticated"}]}
The credentials I used are newly generated credentials and the stage is configured as can be seen in the screen shot with the credential id and token. Why are these credentials rejected by the Control hub?
If I use the exact same credentials in a call to CURL I get a perfectly fine response showing my user details
(request like:
curl -X GET https://na01.hub.streamsets.com/security/rest/v1/currentUser -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-Requested-By:curl" -H "X-SS-REST-CALL:true" -H "X-SS-App-Component-Id: $cred_id" -H "X-SS-App-Auth-Token: $cred_token" -i
Any ideas?