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Cloudera CDP 7.1.x with Kerberos - Hive Metastore destination stage library error


Unable to use Hive Metastore destination in a Cloudera CDP 7.1.x environment with Kerberos.

A stage library error occurs on the Hive Metastore destination stage. This does not occur with previous (6.3) version of the stage library.


  • Cloudera CDP 7.1.x

  • Hive Metastore destination

    • Stage library: CDP 7.1

  • Data Collector v4.x and 5.x, registered with Control Hub

  • ‘Hadoop Impersonate current user’ option is enabled

Root Cause

When Data Collector is registered with Control Hub, authentication occurs with a different username in the format user@organization instead of the full username

In CDP 7.1.x, Cloudera made a change. Previously, a warning message would be printed in the log, but the stage library was not blocked, so the stage worked as expected. In CDP 7.1.x, an exception is thrown instead, which causes the stage library error.


Change the configuration option to true. More information on this setting can be found in the documentation here.

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