Data Collector - SQL Server CDC origin - Effect of the Queries per Second setting

  • 15 December 2023
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  • StreamSets Employee
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In StreamSets Data Collector, the SQL Server CDC origin has a Queries per Second setting which defaults to 10. This setting allows you to control how much traffic is sent to SQL Server to avoid overwhelming it.

In some circumstances, having a limit on the number of queries per second can cause the pipeline to fall behind on CDC changes. In extreme cases, the pipeline might appear to be receiving no records at all.

If you encounter this, you can try increasing the setting, or you can set it to 0 which means no limit. Bear in mind the capabilities of the server when changing this setting. If the server shows signs of being strained or overwhelmed by Data Collector’s queries, we recommend trying to find a good upper bound for this setting to strike a balance between receiving timely updates and causing stress on the server.

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