
DB2 DB CDC implimention and load into S3 in streamsets

  • 15 November 2021
  • 3 replies

I have a requirement to do IBM DB2 database as origin and needs to implement CDC pipeline to load into S3.

so could you please help me here how to implement DB2 database as Origin for CDC implementation and configuration details what parameters required and performance tuning setting for the same .

3 replies

Userlevel 5

@Pavan.b236 Moved your post to the correct Got a Question? category. 

Any documentation available on log-based CDC migration from DB2 using streamsets?

Hi @Annapoorni ,

Were you able to connect to IBM DB2 and implement CDC using streamsets? 

If yes, can you pls help me out too.

Can someone please help us look into this?
