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I am new to using Streamsets, I am facing one challenge, 

Current Design

Below is the JSON Sample Input


 "NAME": "TOM",   

 "ID": "101",   

 "DATE": "29-12-2022",   

 "ADDRESS": { "CITY": "NYC",  "REGION": "NYC",   "COUNTRY": "USA", "PIN": "1234" }



I want Output to be as :


TOM,101,29-12-2022,{ "CITY": "NYC","REGION": "NYC","COUNTRY": "USA","PIN": "1234"}


My Current design is giving me output as :




Note :  Current design is a handover code. Here, I don't want to parse the nested JSON, just want to represent it as it is.

@Lav Pandey 

May I know which format data do you want to send it to snowflake,


If you want to send column wise data then you can use field pivoted and field splitter  processor and proceed further.


If you can send me the nested sample data and how data should be into snowflake , then I can give a try to help you on it.


@Lav Pandey 

can you please send me the sample input file from where you reading the file ,so I can give a try to help you on it.

Is it possible to try with tthe above sample File ?

Input :: 


 "NAME": "TOM",   

 "ID": "101",   

 "DATE": "29-12-2022",   

 "ADDRESS": { "CITY": "NYC",  "REGION": "NYC",   "COUNTRY": "USA", "PIN": "1234" }



Desired Output ::

{ "NAME": "TOM",   "ID": "101",   "DATE": "29-12-2022",   "ADDRESS": { "CITY": "NYC",  "REGION": "NYC",   "COUNTRY": "USA", "PIN": "1234" }}

Current Output ::
{ "NAME": "TOM",   "ID": "101",   "DATE": "29-12-2022",  "CITY": "NYC",  "REGION": "NYC",   "COUNTRY": "USA", "PIN": "1234" }

@Lav Pandey 

I am working on it and will update you on the same.

@Lav Pandey 

I tried this and it works for me.

COPY INTO "DATA_BIKS"."PUBLIC"."JSON_TABLE" from ( SELECT * FROM @DATA_BIKS.PUBLIC.SourcesBiks/biks_temp/testjson/a.json ) FILE_FORMAT= ( TYPE = json TRIM_SPACE = TRUE ) ;


Data stored as it is.





@Lav Pandey 

As soon as you choose the data format as JSON, SDC will parse the data and read it as SDC Record, including the ADDRESS column that has json data string in it.


I tried creating a pipeline. Added JSON Generator to convert the ADDRESS nested field back to JSON. If you write address_json to Snowflake then it will write it as it is.



Here is the configuration for JSON Generator.


I got this issue fix. Thanks.

Many thanks to @Bikram . 
