I have a field mapper to remap camel case fields to snake case. Â
This is the message i am trying to save:
{   "id": "e35fd529-613f-5e79-036f-f37c2801041d",   "batchName": "SIT Axle3+ 9_12_test",   "batchSize": 35,   "numberOfAudited": 35,   "batchType": "TRIP_BASED",   "batchMode": "RANDOM",   "batchFacility": "71",   "batchDirection": "West",   "batchPlaza": "",   "batchLane": "",   "fromTimestamp": 1694538060,   "toTimestamp": 1694566800,   "createdTimestamp": 1694626323,   "createdBy": "mmccammon@etcc.com",   "completedTimestamp": 1697039389,   "completedBy": "asayed@etcc.com",   "auditDetailList": c    {      "id": "a4f274d5-8de5-4c54-ae70-b6a498ab4e9e",      "auditBatchId": "e35fd529-613f-5e79-036f-f37c2801041d",      "eventId": "49dcbe2c-51a8-11ee-9348-3cecefd01508",      "eventType": "TRIP",      "eventTimeStamp": 1694549374,      "auditResult": false,      "auditCorrections": ],      "auditedTimestamp": 1694635817,      "auditedBy": "ppradeep@etcc.com",      "isExcluded": false    },    {      "id": "67a5f5e3-acc8-4965-bf0b-657a6dafbe2e",      "auditBatchId": "e35fd529-613f-5e79-036f-f37c2801041d",      "eventId": "724a03aa-51a9-11ee-9348-3cecefd01508",      "eventType": "TRIP",      "eventTimeStamp": 1694549871,      "auditResult": false,      "auditCorrections": b       {         "auditedField": "axle count",         "originalValue": "3",         "auditedValue": "4"       }      ],      "auditedTimestamp": 1694636317,      "auditedBy": "ppradeep@etcc.com",      "isExcluded": false    },    {      "id": "4f57507e-31ed-4e65-bcb8-6a7d176baece",      "auditBatchId": "e35fd529-613f-5e79-036f-f37c2801041d",      "eventId": "c4ef2560-51b1-11ee-9348-3cecefd01508",      "eventType": "TRIP",      "eventTimeStamp": 1694553445,      "auditResult": true,      "auditCorrections":       {         "auditedField": "axle count",         "originalValue": "3",         "auditedValue": "4"       }      ],      "auditedTimestamp": 1694637274,      "auditedBy": "ppradeep@etcc.com",      "auditNote": "Bus",      "isExcluded": false    },    {      "id": "7262657b-9b2a-4fd4-8b6d-fd842df8830e",      "auditBatchId": "e35fd529-613f-5e79-036f-f37c2801041d",      "eventId": "03dbfde2-51b8-11ee-9348-3cecefd01508",      "eventType": "TRIP",      "eventTimeStamp": 1694556128,      "auditResult": false,      "auditCorrections": d       {         "auditedField": "axle count",         "originalValue": "5",         "auditedValue": "8"       }      ],      "auditedTimestamp": 1694637409,      "auditedBy": "ppradeep@etcc.com",      "isExcluded": false    }   ] }
However, when it goes through the field mapper, i am seeing some strange behavior. The fields is only mapped once when it has the same value as another instance: Â
Any idea why this is?
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@bsayed that is a strange behaviour. Please can you share the sample data in JSON and I can give it a try.
I am attaching the pipeline , can you please import it and try and check if it helps.
@Bikram I did as you suggested:
Still the same issue: Â
I tried to import your pipeline: Â
Any other suggestions? is this a bug in version 3.22.0?
I am not sure if its bug or not in 3.22.0 and i am not sure if i can get the version 3.22.0 or not.
If its there i can try it.
Can you please create a dummy pipeline and send me the pipeline and let me try to import it and check how it behaves.
@Bikram Here is the dummy pipeline. when I preview it, I have the same issue as before: Â
Issue in the data collector version .
May i know why its very old version you are using :)
@Bikram This is just what my company uses, I don't handle the version. Looks like we need to upgrade however
I tried solving this with a java script evaluator:
var records = sdc.records; for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { try { var auditDetailList = recordsci].value.auditDetailList.value; updateKeysAndPaths(auditDetailList);
sdc.output.write(recordsci]); } catch (e) { // Send record to error sdc.error.write(recordsci], e); } }
function updateKeysAndPaths(obj) { var stack = cobj];
while (stack.length > 0) { var current = stack.pop();
if (Array.isArray(current)) { current.forEach(function (item) { if (typeof item === 'object') { stack.push(item); } }); } else if (typeof current === 'object') { for (var key in current) { if (current.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var value = currentrkey]; if (typeof value === 'object') { stack.push(value); }
I got it to work in my browser console, however, this doesn't seem to work in streamsets. Is there any other workaround that will solve this issue, other than upgrading versions?
For now you just go ahead to use the same field mapper twice and proceed further. I will provide you the concrete result tomorrow .
Let me check why its behaving like this , when i am taking your input data , i am also getting the same issue.
Need to do some analysis on it .
In Streamsets you can use java script processor and use your code which is working fine in your console.
Just give a try.
Thanks you for your help, its greatly appreciated.
So you have the issue on the imported pipeline I sent you? If so, then there must be a bug in 3.22.0 that is fixed somewhere along the way to 5.5.0
Also, using 2 field mappers in not a solution, because it only works twice in the same instance of key value pairs.Â
ex: if             "auditedField": "axle count",         "originalValue": "3",         "auditedValue": "4"
is seen 3 times, then I would need 3 field mappers. if it is seen 4 times, then I would need 4 field mappers and so on.
Since I cannot guarantee how many instances of the above same key value pairs will exist in a message, adding 2 field mappers doesn't fully solve the issue.
We can handle it in a different way , i hope it will help you to fix the issue.Â
@Bikram what is your suggestion to handle it in a different way?
can you please give a try the attached pipeline and check if it helps
I did the necessary changes in your pipeline.
Adding the pivoter → mapper is working. Thank you for your help in solving this issue! Greatly appreciate it.