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File list-url's in a file to process

Hi Guys,


I have a requirement where I have thousands of json file url’s in a file(all files are of same format). I need to process the data for every file and load data in to destination.


Ex: local_dir/file_list.txt





3 replies

Thank you @Bikram @AkshayJadhav for your answers. It worked.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1


You can keep the *.txt file in local directory and fetch the file data . Then pass file entry to http client to fetch data from above mentioned http URLs.

If you are having issues , please let me know .

Please construct your pipeline as below .



Thanks & Regards


Userlevel 4

Hello @va7777 - Thank you for reaching out to the StreamSets Community. You can use the directory origin and pass the *.json as a file name pattern so that it can pick up all the files with .json format with the  1000 record per batch. 

What is going to be destination in this case?

