@santhoshchalla Moved your question to the “Got a Question” category.
@Drew Kreiger Is there any solution found for this problem
Prasanna kumar
hi @prasanna_kumar
you need to use the status and color both from the output.
So if the job has finished successfully, you will se GRAY color and if the job has failed with ERROR it will be INACTIVE with RED color.
The API i used is : https://eu01.hub.streamsets.com/jobrunner/rest/v1/job/{Job_id}/currentStatus
"color": "GRAY",
"sdcIds": "
"status": "INACTIVE",
@saleempothiwala Yes saleem working on it.Getting the occurence of jobstatus id is also important before that step so figured it out actually.
Thanks for your inputs
@prasanna_kumar let us know if the solution worked for you.
@saleempothiwala This one will work.
but I was little cautious if a job is triggered simultaneously and there are multi runs before you fetch the current status might give misleading results if the job execution duration is of very short time.(The chance of this happening might be very slim but not avoidable)
I have tried
1.start the job
2.wait for the jobstatusid which is a unique identifier for particular job invocation to go inactive
3.Fetch the status of that from job history status.
This process was followed to avoid little to clear ambiquity if there is multiple execution before fetching the status of job.
Prasanna Kumar