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my input data is like to be a 

concat employment all columns in single column but shows error

Invalid expression '${str:concat(record:value('/"employement_details.0.CurrentCompany"'),record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"')(record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"')))}': com.streamsets.pipeline.api.el.ELEvalException: CTRCMN_0101 - Error parsing expression ${str:concat(record:value('/"employement_details.0.CurrentCompany"'),record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"')(record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"')))}: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: Encountered "(", expected one of ".", ">", "gt", "<", "lt", "==", "eq", "<=", "le", ">=", "ge", "!=", "ne", ")", ",", """, "+", "-", "*", "/", "div", "%", "mod", "and", "&&", "or", "||", "?"]



I believe you are trying to concate two string values and with space separator. Please find below the code snippet for the same , i hope it helps.


Case 1:

String concate code with space separator:


${str:concat(str:concat(record:value('/"employement_details.0.CurrentCompany"'),' '),record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"'))}


Case 2:String concate code with nospace separator:



Case 3 : String concatenate without str:concat function :

${record:value('/"employement_details.0.CurrentCompany"')}  ${record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"')} ${record:value('/"employement_details.0.ctc"')}



Thanks & Regards




I believe you are trying to concate two string values and with space separator. Please find below the code snippet for the same , i hope it helps.


Case 1:

String concate code with space separator:


${str:concat(str:concat(record:value('/"employement_details.0.CurrentCompany"'),' '),record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"'))}


Case 2:String concate code with nospace separator:



Case 3 : String concatenate without str:concat function :

${record:value('/"employement_details.0.CurrentCompany"')}  ${record:value('/"employement_details.0.c2HhPayroll"')} ${record:value('/"employement_details.0.ctc"')}



Thanks & Regards


mutiplile columns  concat is  possibile or not . but i want multipile concat columns to achieve this.


If you follow the last case which i given to you where multiple Columns concatenated.

its possible to concatenate as many columns .

if you are having issues , please let me know i will help you on it.





Kindly let me know if the concate function works for you or not.’

Please provide me the inputs details for which you are facing issues ,so i can help you on it.


Thanks & Regards

