I’m trying to make an api call to SharePoint using the HTTP Originator however I am receiving an illegal character error for the $ when using the following uri:
https://mysite.sharepoint.com/sites/site-name/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('List Name')/Items?$filter=(FSObjType eq 0) and (Field ne null)&$select=File/ServerRelativeUrl,Id,Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4&$expand=File
The uri above works in postman and if the uri contains no operators then it works in Streamsets. I need it to work in Streamsets with the operators.
I’ve tried
- \ in front of $
- \\ in front of $
- encoding the whole string
- encoding parts of it
- I’ve copied the working uri from the postman logs to match the encoding
- Using the concat function
- Setting the string as a pipeline parameter
Does anyone have a way to solve this?
Many thanks