How to Modify Fragment icon ?

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  • StreamSets Employee
  • 96 replies

By default, the pipeline canvas displays each fragment in the pipeline as a single stage with a puzzle piece icon: PDicon_CreateFragment.png

Now you can modify the icon to represent the fragment processing logic. You can select from a set of predefined icons, or you can upload an image to use as the icon. Uploaded images cannot exceed 100 KB in size.

  1. While viewing a fragment in edit mode, click the General tab in the properties panel.
  2. Click the Edit icon next to the Icon property:


  3. In the Icons dialog box, select one of the predefined icons or upload a custom image to use as the icon.

    Note: You can upload a single image to the dialog box. Uploading another image replaces the existing uploaded image.

  4. After you publish the fragment, all pipelines that use that fragment version display the fragment as a single stage with the modified icon.

More information about fragments could be found here.


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