
how to parametrize field remover field names

  • 10 February 2023
  • 4 replies

Hi team,
I am facing problem in parametrizing filed names in field remover. Actually individual field names you can provide like /type,/id,/name. But in my use case I want to parametrize these fields and read it from properties file that thing I am not able to do. 

4 replies

Userlevel 5
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May i know if you want to keep the fields in file and wants to use it streamsets ?

If that is the case then declare the variables in the properties files and try to use  like ${id} .

 If that is not the case , kindly provide some example so i can have a look and try to find  resolution for the use case.


Thanks & Regards


Ya bikram same thing I want to put field in file and wants to use in streamsets. I have tried also , I will give one example I have put variable like runtime.conf_p_artist_type=type and in streamsets I am providing name like /*[${runtime:conf(‘p_artist_type’)}]  as per documentation but it is not working. 

Userlevel 5
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Kindly check if the parameters are still available in file after restarting data collector.

I noticed that after restart its replacing with new file in SDC and i believe that is reason the value couldn’t recognise in

${runtime:conf(<property name>)}
Userlevel 5
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Please refer the solution provided in the below use case.


