
How to pass a parameter with a list of strings to URL in HTTP client origin

  • 3 November 2022
  • 3 replies

The HTTP client origin I’m using has a parameter called “tags”, which is a list of strings (see image below). I’m trying to pass a parameter to the URL to only get records with a certain tag, but it’s either giving me an error message or not filtering at all.

When I’m trying to pass the tags parameter directly, like https://……./v1/ssns?tags=’NO’, the pipeline fails. When I’m trying to pass the list item directly, like https://……./v1/ssns?tags[0]=’NO’, the pipeline runs, but it’s not filtering out records at all, and returns all tags.

I’m guessing it’s probably a syntax issue, but I’ve tried many different variations without success, and I can’t find any documentation about what the proper syntax is.



3 replies

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kinldy try the below url and check if it works



Still the same issue, it returns records with any tag. Starting to think the issue may be on the API side. Got around the issue by using a Stream selector to filter out the ones I don’t want, but not an ideal solution.

May you can trey this.



but its working for me ?tags=${record:value("tags")} i didnt try with array list . just you could give a try.
