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Learn to perform a SAML trace and generate SAML Trace JSON file using browser plug-ins. Streamsets support team uses the file to trace the SAML assertions occurring between your identity provider and Control-Hub to troubleshoot your sign-in issues.

  • When the plug-in is added, Click the newly added SAML tracer icon on the upper-right add-in menu for your respective browser. This opens the SAML Tracer dialog box.

  • The SAML tracer dialog box records and displays details as shown below. Note the occasional SAML tags shown at the right indicating SAML assertions being passed.

  • Re-produce the issue. use the SAML Tracer dialog to navigate to Export tab > Select Mask values > Click Export button.

       A JSON file is downloaded on your system.

  •  Share this JSON file (.json format) with Streamsets Support
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