Hi, as a relatvie newcomer to Streamsets, I am trying to use ‘time:dateAddition’ function, in data collector. I am using an engine version 5.6.1, but get the same issues with 5.5.0
I am basically trying to use time:Now(), to calculate yesterdays date (or at least a different date), but getting nowhere.
I even tried using the example in the docs “${time:dateAddition("MONTH", 2, 2007-10-03T10:15:30)}”
but get the error
‘EXPR_00 - Invalid expression '${time:dateAddition("MONTH", 2, 2007-10-03T10:15:30)}': com.streamsets.pipeline.api.el.ELEvalException: CTRCMN_0101 - Error parsing expression ${time:dateAddition("MONTH", 2, 2007-10-03T10:15:30)}: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: Encountered "T10", expected one of e".", ">", "gt", "<", "lt", "==", "eq", "<=", "le", ">=", "ge", "!=", "ne", ")", ",", ")", "+", "-", "*", "/", "div", "%", "mod", "and", "&&", "or", "||", "?"]’
This function seems to be new with 5.5.0
Could someone help please.