
I am facing issue when trying to start from offset file in SQL SERVER CDC CLIENT

  • 3 October 2022
  • 5 replies

I am facing issue when trying to start from offset file in SQL SERVER CDC CLIENT. Could you please help and share the Json which I should be using to start pipeline from particular offset? Below is the json I am using and it is failing:

  "version" : 2,
  "offsets" : {
    "$com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.origin.jdbc.CDC.sqlserver.SQLServerCDCSource.offset.version$" : "1",
    ;partitionMaxOffsets=;;;usingNonIncrementalLoad=false" : "___$seqval=SEQVAL::___$operation=2::___$sdc.txn_window=10::___$start_lsn=LSN_VALUE"

5 replies

Userlevel 2

Your engine logs should show the full error.

You can download the bundle following these steps

Hello Alex,

I don’t see anything is captured in logs when I am trying to start job from option “Upload offset and start”. Please find the screenshot attached. 


Userlevel 2

@rayyan143786, if you open the logs from the user interface you should be able to see the full logs that triggered that error.

Hello Alex,


Thanks for responding. I am not getting any error it is just giving me red line at the button of dialog box where we submit to start the pipeline from offset, and the job is not kicking off. Just wanted to know if I am using the correct offset file for starting the pipeline from particular offset?



Userlevel 2

Hi @rayyan143786,

Can you share the exact error you are getting?
