I need to perform a join operation in StreamSets Control Hub using SDC(Data Collectors). As I checked we don’t have any processor or stage in StreamSets SDC.
Is there any workaround we have in SDC. Below are my datasets,
Dataset 1 - CSV
Dataset 2 - Snowflake table
Any way to join Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 in SDC.
@Rishi@Bikram@Maria Vila@XavierV@AkshayJadhav
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Please find below the screenshot for your reference.
In where condition , left side value is from table and right side value from the source .
I have never used JDBC look up, if you can help me with sample configuration then it will be easy for me to implement.
In SDC, there isn't a built-in join operation, but StreamSets Transformer makes it straightforward to manage.
Unlike SDC, where configuring more than one origin can be challenging, in your case, you can simply read data from a CSV file and then utilize JDBC lookup to retrieve data from Snowflake based on the information obtained from the CSV file.
Data received from CSV is emp = ‘Bikram’
In jdbc lookup
select emp from Test
where emp = ‘${record:value(‘/emp’)}’
This will check if emp data is available in snowflake db or not , we can add as much filter condition .