
mysql writing error.

Userlevel 2

mysql error came  during writing how to fix 

error like:

JDBC_23 - Can't coerce '[]' of type 'LIST' to column 'remarks' of JDBC type '-1'


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1


The error seems like there is mismatch in the data type.

Kindly elaborate in details or share your dummy pipeline for which you getting error, so I can help you on it.


Userlevel 2


The error seems like there is mismatch in the data type.

Kindly elaborate in details or share your dummy pipeline for which you getting error, so I can help you on it.


preview of my pipeline:


Userlevel 5
Badge +1


kindly check if the multi row option is enabled in jdbc producer.

If yes , please uncheck it and retry to load data to jdbc.

Kindly let me know destination column name if possible so i can try to reproduce it in sdc to check on the issue.


Thanks & Regards

