
Oracle CDC - Not fetching any data due to missing Redo Log files for Time Range

We are using Streamsets CDC stage for fetching Oracle CDC Data. We are received error like, Missing redo log files for time range and pipeline is not fetching any data for long.


  1. What is the reason for receiving missing redo log error?
  2. What step need to take when we receive this kind of error?

3 replies

Userlevel 2

Redo logs get rotated, archived, backed-up and deleted automatically in an standard Oracle setup. This means that redo log are not always available for old data. In general terms, you should make sure you are ingesting a time range still available in redo logs. If unsure, you can query view v$log and v$archived_log, and check then columns first_time and next_time. At first glance, it looks as if you are trying to ingest data “too” old in terms of redo logs lifecycle.  

Thanks for your inputs. May I know where I need to check for v$log and v$archived_log.

Userlevel 2

@Haripriya Those are Oracle system views. Please, refer to Oracle’s official documentation for further details.
