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The SFTP origin allows for compressed (zip) files. Is there a way to ingest the compressed file if it is password protected? 


I have created a password protected .zip file in my local directory and sending it to other directory using shell script processor.


Attached the pipeline for your reference. Please let. me know if it helps.


Thanks & Regards


@miked - As per my understanding you would not be able to use any data format in SFTP origin except the “whole File” format might work because it will copy the full file to the destination.

I am having issues setting up the SFTP connections at my workstation. If you have setup ready, i would request you to try processing the file with “ whole file” format in origin.

Thank you - AkshayJ

Hi @miked - I just wanted to reach out to you to check if you have any further question about the SFTP Origin? 

If no further question, I would request you to mark the comment as best answer that will close this thread. 

Thank you - AkshayJ
