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I created a pipeline which send data from oracle cdc client to snowflakes. The origin is working fine but when I am trying to configure the destination and validate the pipeline I am getting the following error:

SNOWFLAKE_11 - Could not create SQL DataSource: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: JDBC driver encountered communication error. Message: HTTP status=403.

Can anyone help me regarding this.

Hello @saikat_chatterjee - Thank you for reaching out to the Streamsets Community. 

“HTTP status=403” is generic error and can occurs due to multiple reasons, would you please share the following to understand the exact cause of the issue: 

  1. Share the full error message with us. In the data collector logs you would see snowflake stage is forming the URL like shown below. Please compare the snowflake actual URL and the one that snowflake stage forms.
    Error response: HTTP Response code: 403, request: POST


  2. Share the snowflake stage configurations with us.






The error is because of some configuration issues . Kindly check if the below configurations are in placed or not.


If you can manage to provide the correct config details in streamsets destination , then you will over come the issues.





Thank you for your help @AkshayJadhav and @Bikram.

The pipeline is working fine, in the account tab under snowflakes we have to provide the locator instead of account name.


Happy to know that the issue has been resolved. Good day.

Kindly close the question.

@saikat_chatterjee - Glad that issue has been resolved. I would request you to mark the comment as best answer and close the question.

Thank you - AkshayJ.
