I am trying to write data from mysql database to HTTP client destination (free public client) without authentication but its giving error HTTP_41 - Error sending resource - Not elaborated.
Converted the data into map using expression evaluator, then passed it to the field remover and kept the map only , then passing the data to json generator which generated the json
Field to serialize - myNewMap containing ID,NAME,address,age fields and then it converted to json. Till Json generator output is fine.
0myNewMap : MAP
- Record1-Output Record1 : LIST_MAP
0myNewMap : STRING {"ID":1,"NAME":"Kushal","AGE":35,"ADDRESS":"Bavdhan"}
After this the data is not written to HTTP client. I can post the request using ARC successfully with the same data but not through streamsets. Belows is the excerpt from the pipeline.. Please suggest whats going wrong.
HTTP client configuration :
URL - Given
Method - POST
Header - Content-Type - application/json