I have a requirement to update job parameter via restAPI. I get the job details via GET function. I modify the content via code. But I am not sure how to pass the modified json content in a variable/file in the restapi post call? I have the need to run the api as automated batch with no manual intervention. I tried below two ways but none worked. I dont see any other viable option to pass modified content in the curl command.
var1=`cat /home/script/modified.json`
curl -X POST https://XXX.hub.streamsets.com/jobrunner/rest/v1/job/72b8200c-0e3b-426e-b564-bceb17220b1e:8c2c652f-e3d9-11eb-9fb3-b974ac4c3f67 -d '{ @var1}’ -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-Requested-By:curl" -H "X-SS-REST-CALL:true" -H "X-SS-App-Component-Id: $CRED_ID" -H "X-SS-App-Auth-Token: $CRED_TOKEN" -i
curl -X POST https://XXX.hub.streamsets.com/jobrunner/rest/v1/job/72b8200c-0e3b-426e-b564-bceb17220b1e:8c2c652f-e3d9-11eb-9fb3-b974ac4c3f67 -d '{ /home/script/modified.json}’ -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-Requested-By:curl" -H "X-SS-REST-CALL:true" -H "X-SS-App-Component-Id: $CRED_ID" -H "X-SS-App-Auth-Token: $CRED_TOKEN" -i