- Streamsets Data Collector 5.7.X
- Proxy Configurations.
There seems to be an issue with the latest version of the data collector (5.7.x). Specifically, it has come to our attention that the "http.nonProxyHosts" configuration is not being honored. Additionally, when executing the "ps -ef | grep sdc" command on the Linux host, the Java configurations are not visible.
There is an issue with the data collector where proxy configurations are not working and will be fixed in further version(will keep updating the article once we have the exact fix version).
The alternative/workaround is to just set it in the “Advanced Java Options” panel:

Any JVM configs specified directly will override those configurations and you could confirm by running “ps -ef | grep sdc” command on the Linux machine where data collector is running.
NOTE: We have made some changes in latest version of data collector not to expose the proxy configuration hence you would not see proxy details when executing “ps” command anymore.