Oracle Origin:
Supported types for offset column:
- Number, binary_double, binary_float, date, timestamp, timestamp with time zone all supports the arbitrary amount of partitions
- char, nchar, varchar, varchar2, nvarchar2 supports only single partition
MySQL Origin
Supported types for offset column:
- tinyint, smallint, integer, mediumint, bigint, numeric, decimal, double, float, date, datetime, timestamp, time all supports arbitrary number of partitions
- char, varchar, text supports only a single partition
PostgreSQL Origin
Supported types for offset column:
- smallint, integer, bigint, decimal, numeric, float, real, double precision, date, timestamp, timestamp with time zone, time supports arbitrary number of partitions
- char, varchar, text supports only a single partition
SQL Server Origin
Supported types for offset column:
- tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, decimal, numeric, float, real, date, datetime, datetime2, smalldatetime, datetimeoffset, time all supports arbitrary number of partitions
- char, varchar supports only a single partition