Data Collector uses JMX metrics to generate the graphical display of the status of a running pipeline. You can provide the same JMX metrics to external tools if desired.
The following Java environment variables expose the Data Collector JMX metrics on a specified port, allowing integration with external tools:
-<true | false>
-<true | false>
-<true | false>
export SDC_JAVA_OPTS=" \ \ \ \"
- Add the this Java argument to your SDC deployment

- For demo purpose I have used `jconsole` locally to collect this JMX metrix, However you can have any other external tools to collect this JMX metrics.
$jconsole localhost:9999
You can view the Data Collector JMX metrics in external tools. The Data Collector JMX metric names all begin with "sdc.pipeline."
Data Collector JMX metrics use the following naming pattern:
sdc.pipeline.<pipeline name>.<pipeline revision>.<category: pipeline|stage|custom>.\
[<stage library>_<library revision>].<metric name>.<metric type>