Following parameters can be tuned to get the optimal performance from the Oracle CDC:-
- Max Batch Size (records) = 20000
- Batch Wait Time (secs) = 15 - 30 seconds
- JDBC Fetch Size for Current Window = 25000 at least
- JDBC Fetch Size for Past Windows = 25000 at least
- Time between Session Windows (ms) = 1 ms
- Time after Session Window Start (ms) = 1ms
- Parsing Thread Pool Size = 8 (up to 2x the number of CPUs available)
NOTE:- Performance depends on the ENV, Infrastructure, Resources, so the values for every environment/use cases may differ. Above mentioned values can be used as a starting point. Tuning performance is trial and error method. Once the optimal values found for the specific environment/use case, those values can be applied.