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Hi team,
I am configuring Oracle CDC Client now, our oracle version is 19C, non-CDB oracle.

I ensure our oracle instance has enabled Database Archiving Mode, cause the return of statement "select log_mode from v$database" is "ARCHIVELOG". 

My question is for Step "Enable Supplemental Logging", since I have three "NO" for statement "select supplemental_log_data_min, supplemental_log_data_pk, supplemental_log_data_all from v$database;". 
Is it mandatory to run this "alter database add supplemental log data;" ?

I actually do not want to make all database tables' Supplemental Logging, only want to enable it for some related tables, if this, should I only run like below "alter table <schema name>.<table name> add supplemental log data (all) columns;" , then run "alter system archive log current;" or I need to run below in sequence?
Step 1:Enable minimal supplemental logging, run "alter database add supplemental log data;"
Step 2:alter table <schema name>.<table name> add supplemental log data (all) columns;
Step 3:alter system archive log current

By the way, all of our tables have unique identified key(s), our purpose is want to based on these unique identified keys, if new keys adding they need to be inserted, if source update any columns instead of Unique identified keys, we need to do update in destination, and any existing unique identified keys records are deleted in source oracle, we need to drop them from destination. Based on this, we should enable primary key logging or full supplemental logging? 
That means I should which of below to enable ?
alter table <schema name>.<table name> add supplemental log data (primary key) columns;
alter table <schema name>.<table name> add supplemental log data (all) columns;

Hi team, any information for it? 
