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  • StreamSets Data Collector v4.3.
  • Control Hub v3.51.4. (Inactivity period for session termination = 30 Min)



It has been observed that credentials time out is happening on the long running Streaming Pipelines when using Start Jobs stage. This can happen when using the User & Password Authentication type.

The following error captured from control hub logs indicates that the token has expired. 

START_JOB_04 - Failed to start job template for job ID: START_JOB_04 - Failed to start job template for job ID: 1238759hvbv949:Test, status code '401': {"ISSUES":U{"code":"SSO_01","message":"User not authenticated"}]}, status code }



After an internal investigation, found that  we are encountering COLLECTOR-1125, which has been addressed and resolved in data collector v5.1.

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