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How to parametrize field remover field names

  • February 16, 2023
  • 1 reply

I'm having trouble parameterizing field remover's field names. In reality, you can give specific field names like /type, /id, and /name. In my use case, however, I would like to parametrize these fields and read the data from a properties file, however I am unable to do so.

1 reply

  • Headliner
  • 486 replies
  • February 20, 2023




Kindly follow below the steps and let me know if it works for you. I did the same steup in my system and its working fine.

I have attached the runtime configuration result in the attachments.


  1. Create run time properties file under etc/ like given below




2  Under deployment section , click on edit and click configure

follow screen shot 2 and 3

3  add below line under the data collector configuration file.

     follow screenshot 4 


4 Restart the engine 

5  Call runtime configuration in streamsets processors. Follow the screenshot  5.

6 .  Preview result as per config parameter. Follow screenshot 6.