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Can I use regex patterns to filter records based on a field name pattern? Or use them in Field Type converter? 

For example: If a record has field names containing “cost” in them e.g. “Average Cost for two”, “Cost range”, “Parking Costs” etc. I want to send these records to a certain destination? 

Or if the field names including “cost” in them, use field type converter to convert the values to integer.

I did not find any specific information on this in Docs. Played around with a few patterns. But even if some passed validation, they failed in preview. 




Hello @Bikram @dima thanks for your inputs.

Unfortunately I have run out of lab time, so could not try this out. Closing the question for now.  



Kindly close the question if the solution helped you on resolving the issue.


Thanks & Regards




please try the condition in StreamSets collector.


${str:contains(record:value('/f1'),'Cost') || str:contains(record:value('/f1'),'cost')}

Hey Dhanashri,


The str:contains function should allow you to do this. Give it a shot. 
