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Technical Service Bulletin 2023-01-27 (TSB) StreamSets Control Hub - Incident with Engines Provisioned via Kubernetes Provisioning Agent

StreamSets Support team would like to inform you that we have conducted a thorough root cause analysis for the issue with Data Collector engines provisioned via Kubernetes Provisioning Agent after Control Hub release on January 27, 2023.

Products Affected: StreamSets Control Hub Cloud (SCH)

Users Affected: StreamSets Control Hub Cloud (SCH) users using Data Collector engines provisioned via Kubernetes Provisioning Agent

Severity: High

Description: Data Collector provisioned via Kubernetes Provisioning Agent may have been unregistered and deleted from user’s organization after Control Hub release at 10:30 p.m. PT on January 27, 2023. 
StreamSets deployed a configuration change to disable this incorrect behavior at 7:30 a.m. PT on January 28, 2023, and will be deploying a code change as part of an emergency release.

Jobs running in these Data Collectors may have not synchronized offsets, because of that, there is a possibility of data duplication.

Immediate action required: Yes. Users using engines provisioned via Kubernetes Provisioning Agent must restart deployments provisioned via the control agent as soon as possible. Affected users could do a gradual rollout:
kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment name> -n <namespace>

Fix: We have completed our root cause analysis. The underlying issue was related to a change added in the release deployed on January 27, 2023. The change contained an improved retry mechanism to how status events are processed from control agent in case of a transaction failure, which resulted in incorrectly determining that some of Data Collectors were not existing, even though they were active.

The StreamSets team is taking the necessary steps to avoid a recurrence of the issue and is planning to deploy a fix during an emergency release on Monday, January 30, 2023.

For updates and questions, please visit our website or contact our Support team via our Support portal or at

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