StreamSets Support team would like to inform you that there was an issue with accessibility of the StreamSets Control Hub Cloud service on March 29, 2021, from 1:13 AM PDT to 1:14 AM PDT (1 min).
Products Affected: StreamSets Control Hub Cloud
Severity: Low
Users might have experienced issues accessing the StreamSets Control Hub Cloud service and received 503 Service Unavailable responses from 1:13 AM PDT to 1:14 AM PDT.
Control Hub accessibility was affected due to a database performance issue which resolved itself within 1 minute.
During the time of the incident, Control Hub and your registered Data Collectors and Transformers continued to run pipeline jobs. All jobs that were scheduled to execute during this timeframe, and any other SCH functionality like subscriptions, alerts, REST API endpoint, etc. were not affected.
Immediate action required: No
Workaround: None required (the issue has been remediated).
Resolution: This issue was resolved within 1 minute and users have been able to access the StreamSets Control Hub Cloud service. We identified the root cause and will take the necessary steps to avoid a recurrence of the issue.
For your questions, please submit a request to our Support Team.