The StreamSets Support team would like to inform you that you may have experienced network connectivity disruption with the StreamSets Control Hub (SCH) service due to Amazon Web Services issues on December 15, 2021, from 7:16 AM PT to 8:10 AM PT.
Products Affected: StreamSets Control Hub Cloud
Severity: Medium/ High
Description: There was a period of a network connectivity disruption in the StreamSets Control Hub (SCH) service on December 15, 2021, from 7:16 AM PT to 8:10 AM PT due to Amazon Web Services internet connectivity issues as described here.
When StreamSets Control Hub users were trying to connect to our services they may have seen 503 and other HTTP error codes. As soon as Amazon services were restored at 8:10 AM PT our services were also restored.
Immediate action required: No.
Workaround: N/A
Fix: Resolved by Amazon Web Services.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Support team via our Support portal or at