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How to use StreamSets Data Protector function within Groovy Processor ?

  • December 22, 2021
  • 0 replies

StreamSets Employee

Data Protector function usage are limited within the Data Protector Stages. And are not available out side of these stages.

However, there are certain scenarios where you want to leverage these functions outside of these DP stages. The way we can achieve this via the Groovy processor. 


To access the Data Protector functions via the Groovy processor, Upload the following Data Protector jars as external libraries for the Groovy processor: ( You can fin this lib from streamsets-datacollector-dataprotector-lib package) 

* streamsets-datacollector-dataprotector-lib-1.9.0.jar

* streamsets-datacollector-dataprotector-api-1.9.0.jar

* re2j-1.2.jar

* javafaker-0.16.jar

* automaton-1.11-8.jar


Then update /etc/sdc/sdc-security.policy to set the Groovy permissions grant to the following:

grant codebase "file:/groovy/script" {


And now we can use this function, Snippet of groovy code:

import com.streamsets.protector.el.XegerEL

fields = [
 'ACCTNBR': [type: 'int', length: 9],
 'STMTACCTNBR': [type: 'int', length: 5],
 'ACCTDESC': [type: 'str', length: 80]

sdc.records.each() { record ->
 try {
 record.value.each() { field,value ->
 if (fields.containsKey(field)) {
 switch(fields[field]['type']) {
 case 'int':
 format = sprintf('[0-9]{%s}', fields[field]['length'])
 record.value[field] = XegerEL.deterministic(format, record.value[field]).toInteger()
 case 'str':
 format = sprintf('[a-z][A-Z]{%s}', fields[field]['length'])
 record.value[field] = XegerEL.deterministic(format, record.value[field]).toString()
 } catch (e) {
 sdc.log.error(e.toString(), e)
 sdc.error.write(record, e.toString())

Example ( Attached Demo pipeline as well )

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