In this article, we'll configure the AWS SES to send the emails and Integration with On-prem SCH
- First, we need to go to AWS → Simple Email Service (SES)
- Then we need to go to Email Addresses

3. Then we need to specify the email address which we want to use for sending emails
( We need to click on Verify a New Email Address)

4. After adding email address, AWS will send a verification email to the address which we’ve defined and we need to click on the verification link. After verification, we can see our email address status in verified mode.

5. After verification, we need to generate SMTP credentials by clicking SMTP Settings.

6. After this, we need to generate credentials by clicking on Create My SMTP Credentials. We need to give the name of the IAM user which will be created by this step and it’ll generate the SMTP username and SMTP password which we need to download and close this window.

SCH on-prem configuration
- We need to update the $DPM_CONF/ file
- For transport protocol SMTP we need to use 587 port with below configuration
mail.transport.protocol=smtp<endpoint> mail.smtp.port=587 # The possible value is "true" or "false" mail.smtp.auth=true # The possible values is "true" or "false" mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true xmail.username=<username> xmail.password=<password> # FROM email address to use for the messages (Here we need to update the Email address which we want to use for sending mails)
and needs to restart the DPM service.
- For transport protocol SMTP we need to use 587 port with below configuration
- For transport protocol SMTPS we need import SSL certificate using the below commands and need to use 465 port with below configuration (mentioned in print screen)”
$ openssl s_client -connect <endpoint>:465 $ keytool import -file <certificate_file.crt> -keystore <SCH-truststore-file> -alias <sch-certs>
mail.transport.protocol=smtps mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true<endpoint> mail.smtps.port=465 mail.smtps.auth=true xmail.username=<username> xmail.password=<password> # FROM email address to use for the messages xmail.from.address=test@mail (Here we need to update the Email address which we want to use for sending mails)
After updating the configs we need to restart the DPM service.