Product: StreamSets Data Collector
The Data Collector pipeline while writing to Google Pub-Sub with the service account getting below error
2020-11-27 23:43:30.117 PST Error running LookupEffectiveGuestPolicies: error calling LookupEffectiveGuestPolicies: code: "PermissionDenied", message: "The caller does not have permission", details: []
2020-11-27 23:43:49.651 PST ShellExecutor$ProcessStdIOForwarder - stderr: ERROR: (gcloud.pubsub.topics.publish) You do not currently have an active account selected.
- The above issue can come when the service accounts conflict?
- So in this case, we need to try the workaround to use the start event to set the correct credentials for our pipeline, So every time it'll use that info when we run the pipeline
Go to General tab of the pipeline configuration - > Start Event ->select Shell -> and add the below command in the shell$ gcloud config set account<service account name>