When using a Field Type Converter, some values are evaluated to determine if the conversion to Boolean can be made automatically. For example, for integer and long values, 0 converts to false, all other integers (negative integers included) convert to true.
Numbers in String format such as “0”, “1”, “27” are all converted to false.
If you have a String value containing the the words, “true” or “false” they are converted to the appropriate Boolean values regardless of capitalization.
If you have a String value which is not “true” or “false” and needs to be converted to a Boolean, we can use an Expression Evaluator, such as:
${str:toUpper(record:value('/val')) == 'GOOD' || str:toUpper(record:value('/val')) == ‘OK’ }
This evaluates to true, when the field contains “good” or "ok" (in any case).
Additional Information about Expression Language can be found in the documentation: