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Http Client connection to Oracle UCM using SOAP API


We are trying to retrieve data from Oracle UCM server using Http client as source, the configuration we use is POSTMAN tool we are are trying to replicate in http client by we are facing below issues. 

Steps Followed.

  1. Http client is source component
  2. WSDL details are provided in reource url path
  3. HTTP method is POST
  4. SOAP request is provided in Request body.
  5. Soap Action details are provided header tab.
  6. Data Format is XML                                                                                                              Error message is "HTTP_01 - Error fetching resource. HTTP-Status: 415 Reason: Unsupported Media Type :"

Steps followed in Postman ::

Method :: POST 

  1. WSDL is passed as API end point.
  2. Authorization is set to Basic.
  3. SOAP request is given in body.

Request is successful in POSTMAN whereas in HTTP client the same configuration is throwing “HTTP-Status: 415 Reason: Unsupported Media Type”.



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