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(DataOps) Downloading support bundle when Websocket tunneling is enabled

  • September 1, 2022
  • 0 replies

StreamSets Employee
  • StreamSets Employee
  • 48 replies

When Websocket Tunneling is enabled, you won’t be able to download support bundle through dataops platform UI. We are shown below message when we try to access it from Engine > Support Bundle page.

The support bundle allows you to generate an archive file with the information required to troubleshoot various issues with the engine. To download a support bundle, you must set up direct engine access and turn off Websocket Tunneling in your Browser Settings.

Follow below steps to download support bundle:

  1. Generate an API Credential from DataOps

DataOps Platform -> Manage -> API Credentials -> Add New API Credential -> (Note Credential ID and Token)

  1. Run the following commands on the engine(SDC or Transformer) (replace CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN values) where the relevant pipeline has been run.
export CRED_ID=<xxxxxxxx>
export CRED_TOKEN=<xxxxxxxx>
curl -X GET '<URL-of-the-engine>/rest/v1/system/bundle/generate?generators=SdcInfoContentGenerator,PipelineContentGenerator,BlobStoreContentGenerator,LogContentGenerator' -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-Requested-By:curl" -H "X-SS-REST-CALL:true" -H "X-SS-App-Component-Id: $CRED_ID" -H "X-SS-App-Auth-Token: $CRED_TOKEN" --insecure -o

It will generate which is needed for troubleshooting.

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