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JOBRUNNER_103 error when trying to run complex pipeline (with fragment)

  • December 13, 2022
  • 1 reply

I am following the fragment lesson for which i have imported the pipeline and created a duplicate. With the duplicate pipeline, i managed to create a fragment, edit the pipeline and remove the components and add the new fragment. Upon publishing the pipeline i am receiving the following error below...


JOBRUNNER_103:Organization 4441d489-761c-11ed-aae0-e11f88355e74 already has 2 running jobs which is the maximum allowed. Please contact your StreamSets account team or email


Can anyone please suggest what to do here to successfully start the job.

1 reply


hi @vgohil 

The free subscription to DataOps only allows 2 jobs to be running at any given time. It looks like you are already running 2 jobs and trying to run the third one. Please stop one of the currently running jobs and you should be able to run this new job without any issues.
